"He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. 
Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” 
- Mark 5:34

It may appear as a contradiction at first glance, but I do not subscribe to the "powers" of others to heal...

AS Yeshua (Jesus) had implied, one's OWN faith and belief is the real work of health and healing. The Universal Power (Creator) is THE Energy and Power in all things and through all things that makes healing possible.

"One God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all." - Ephesians 4:6

"For in Him we live and move and have our being. As some of your own poets have said, We are His offspring." - Acts 17:28

As tools and conduits, we may access the Universal Power and administer assistance, but we do not replace one's own trust in The Universal power ALREADY inherent within and through all people and things. WE can serve as guides and helpers. Even doctors and physicians of all kinds, only administer their knowledge, experience, and skills, but they cannot "save" anyone. One's own self-accountability as a living Being must take a stand in the healing of one's self, and it begins with "faith" or trust in the Power that Is all Wisdom, Love, and Courage. You may call "God" whatever name you adhere to, but the fact remains that "The Source of our existence" is where Healing is truly realized.

When we  take self-accountability seriously, we make the choices to live a lifestyle that favors healing and health long-term. We do not make excuses or pity ourselves, we DO THE WORK, we walk by faith and this is proved in our ways.

Love itself, IS the Highest and most profound Practice...

The Service offered here can facilitate one's own resolve to:
  • Heal and integrate the Physical Body
  • Heal and Integrate The Emotional body (energy field)
  • Heal and integrate The Mental body (energy field)
  • Heal and integrate The Spiritual Body (The 3 energy fields that are really One field of Energy/Awareness/Consciousness)
  • Release and Let go of the fear of being afraid
  • Release self-hate and the hatred of others
  • Heal Past or future Trauma
  • Let go of the need to control or manipulate

Because Universal Energy aka "Rei-Ki", Prana, Chi, Qi, Ruach is present everywhere, and in all time/space, it can be applied no matter the distance, the time of past or future, and through any so called "obstacles and barriers". The only requirement is FAITH and one's OWN permission for the assistance.

AS a sentient being... A fellow traveler along this journey we call Existence, a poet, a student, a practitioner of deep energy cultivation, I "may" be of assistance to you or someone you know. My personal cultivation extends life-times, and in this lifetime about 30 years, but mostly since my mid-20s. The depth and expansiveness of my training has turned sharply within the last 10 years.

My method: 

Is mostly "secretive" because it does not adhere to well known "codes" or rituals, and some of it does, but some of it does not, it is a system I personally developed along the path of rei-ki, internal alchemy, and other less known ways of intuitive energy concepts. It would be dishonorable and a waste of precious energy to expose my exact methodology to scrutiny or "approval and validation" by others.
Basically, all of what I do is to focus my own awareness via "Universal Energy" (prana, rei-ki, qi, ruach etc) and experience through certain tools of the art to assist in another's own healing work. I do not take any one strict traditional approach of rei-ki, diet & fasting, internal alchemy, prayer, meditation, or any other methods. 
I have made use of many into a system that is aligned to my own path in this work. I do not disclose my exact methods, but may later share or teach it to those sincerely already along this kind of path.

Charge of Service:

There is no charge. I accept donations only (on Donation page), and if you feel or know my service has helped you or someone you know, then allow your heart to donate what you feel is appropriate. It does require my time and energy to do this work, but I am confident that The Work is truly Beyond me and that "The Power, The Universal Creator" will care for my "expenses" and needs justly so by moving the person(s) and circumstances as they align perfectly.

Everything is Already Perfect, because God is Perfect, and All is in God and through God. An illness, old age, and even death are NOT the last say so, and they too may serve as "medicines" along this journey that truly has no end or beginning!


I DO NOT claim any guaranteed results or cures to any illness, pain, or traumas. I am not a doctor, physician, psychiatrist, or any other licensed professional in the field of healthcare. I am not a minister that belongs to any organized religion or belief system. My work is a self-created system that applies the principles of ancient and modern energy cultivation and administration. Some may call this just a bunch of mystical "mumbo jumbo", and they have that right, this approach is not for them, and I do not debate or defend my work, I allow it to speak for itself and to do what it does. I am not available for online or in-person discussions about this work or my service, it is an intuitive system that basically uses me as its tool; "the man" has no personal agenda to make claims or defenses about the work.

During & After:

If you have experienced the "help", please donate, and apply something you have learned within yourself to further your OWN healing and BE THAT example of faith to the world! Something within you may awaken that allows you to easily access The greater reality we may call "God" energy, rei-ki, Universal Power, etc... 
This isn't just words, this isn't about holy books, religion, or about spells and potions, this is about that which is undeniable although inconceivable. I can also recommend that you take the appropriate steps to live a lifestyle that honors healing, and that you seek the necessary professionals to also assist you. That you listen and obey wise council and that you take the prescribed medicines (herbs, vitamins, diet, etc) and adhere to the logical actions that facilitate healing and overall health. 

Reach out:

Via the contact page (email) and BRIEFLY describe what the crisis is, name of person that gives me permission to do this work in their behalf, and then let me do my work WITHOUT INTERRUPTIONS. I do my work privately and NOT in-person, If I can assist, you will know by the results, Simple. Then you can feel free to send a monetary donation. If you do not see a change or notice any results, don't donate. I don't guarantee any results, as I've stated in the disclaimer, I am only a tool, I am not THE Power that decides your fate or the fate of someone you know. I do not give ANY time or details about my work, just know that if I accept the assignment, I will do my part, after that, just wait patiently and go about your day to day. If you see the results within a modest amount of time, donate (on Donation page) and be blessed and well. At this time, I don't accept any students, maybe later.

Copyright by Corwyn Jones aka Crow No-face 2025