THE Celestial POWER...

Daniel 4:

His dominion is an eternal dominion;
    his kingdom endures from generation to generation.
 All the peoples of the earth
    are regarded as nothing.
He does as he pleases
    with the powers of heaven
    and the peoples of the earth.
No one can hold back his hand
    or say to him: “What have you done?”

The Entire biblical narrative, and even the narratives of many ancient civilizations hang on the fate of mankind. They are all trying to decode the meaning of human existence on the planet we call "Earth".

As mankind has become "civilized" his dominion has engulfed the entire planet, but unfortunately, he has only ruined both himself and the nature around him. He has dominated Earth and his fellow creatures to their ruin and suffering. [Ecclesiastes 8:9] Prophetically, the time of his ruination is foretold to END! [Revelation 11:18] Long ago, the nation of Hebrews (Israelites) were given a prophecy by The Most High (Creator and God of gods) that THE designated ruler would come and His kingdom (government) ruled with His coheirs would restore the Planet to its original and most natural condition before mankind ruined it. The rule of the "old powers" which is a hierarchy of wicked celestial forces that dictate the administration of human governments, has an end date. The "New Power", made of the benevolent celestial forces also referred to by The Hopi Indian tribe as the "Homoluminous Ancestors", by Christian mystics as the "sons of Light", and by other tribes as the "Heavenly Immortals", will usher in the New Administration that will heal the planet over-time. I'm not a religious fanatic, so I use any every available resource to come to the facts; (the unveiled books) bible is not the only book or record of facts, as even it itself admits. [Ecclesiastes 12:12, John 21:25, Revelation 20:12] 

If the Hebrews had set-up their government in expectation and obedience to the celestial evidence they received in ancient times, ESPECIALLY when Yeshua (Jesus) had arrived they would have been the platform as it were, designated as ambassadors of the "Celestial Power" that is Here and arriving. They received a prophecy about a descendant and heir to their Kingdom, a person that would restore "All Things", a person who embodied the "Celestial forces and also The Eternal essence of all things". He would be an embodiment of The Source we call "God" or Spirit. He would not only restore the territories of the Hebrew tribes, but He would also usher in Earth-wide healing to all sentient beings and to each human tribe, animals, and the Earth itself. He (The Messiah) would not be alone, because The Source wanted to allow all creatures, especially mankind to benefit from the "freedom" from suffering" (Romans chapter 8). The Creator wants All flesh to know what "God-union" is, without the dread and terror of death, disease, suffering, and corruption. This kind of administration is composed of previously imperfect sentient beings that mirrored the ancient priesthood of the Hebrews, but this administration would not be engineered by the contrivances of man. It would be Celestial, Immortal, and incorruptible. A NEW Government not made by human hands and by human ideas. [Daniel chapter 2]

Whether ancient books are more allegorical, symbolic, or literal, doesn't really matter. What matters is how we interpret them and integrate the principles within our world reality Right Now. From the book of Genesis to Revelation, and all of the known and still missing and hidden books concerning this New Government, if it is legit, somehow it would be unveiled in the REAL WORLD. No matter how you "slice this pie", the results must prove "real" no matter your belief systems, sciences, religions, philosophies, or ideas.

Where and WHEN is THE PROOF!?

Daniel 2:44 (A Kingdom (Government) that will have no rival or successors.

Daniel 7:25-27 (A Government composed of lofty celestial beings)

Though the ancient Temple and "seat" of the ancient Hebrew government saw its destruction at least twice, (Solomon's temple and Jerusalem sacked by the Romans in 70C.E.). It was DECREED by King Cyrus to be rebuilt around 521/520 B.C.E. with Zerubbabel the governor, and Jeshua the High priest taking the lead in its restoration (finished around 515-512 BCE). This is an important marker because it is prophetic. These dates can be given a few years forward or backwards because our modern way of counting time is a bunch of nonsense really, we don't know if we want to count a leap year or not, if we want it solar based or lunar based, and some civilizations have an entirely different way of perceiving time altogether...

In Daniel 9:24-27, The prophecy states that the Messiah (Ruler of The celestial Power) would be "anointed as King" after 69 total weeks which is actually 483 years according to the biblical way of counting each day for a year (Numbers 14:34) and then the Messiah would be cut off (killed)...

The Temple was DECREED to be Restored by Cyrus (Then Ruler of Babylon territory where Hebrews were captives) after he was reportedly inspired by prophecy to allow the Hebrews to begin the restoration of their temple. 

This decree was "around" 521-520 B.C.E

Many biblical interpretations reason that the prophecy means that the temple date begins at the decree, but I disagree, why? Because if you read the scrolls, the restoration of the temple was delayed by many years even after Cyrus issued the decree. The people who were instructed to begin the work were not mentally, spiritually, or even physically ready for the task they had been divinely ordained to do. Refer to the books of Haggai and Zechariah. Any time before the actual completion of the foundation and temple is just "ambition and talk", the work had not actually been done until around 515-512 B.C.E. The Watchtower Society of Jehovah's Witnesses and some other groups assume that the "DECREE" to rebuild began around 455 B.C.E, but this is incorrect because ONLY the "temple walls" were allowed to be restored or rebuilt at that time. The actual Temple and its "OPERATING DUTIES" had not been decreed as the governing capitol (seat of power) yet. [READ THE BOOK OF NEHEMIAH chapter 2]

483 YEARS later (FROM AROUND 515/512 BCE) according to the prophecy of Daniel CHAPTER 9... THE MESSIAH APPEARS.

The Gregorian AND Julian calendars are INCORRECT! It doesn't matter when they are accounting for leap years, solar, or lunar years etc... The dates mankind are concerned about are in relation to his own "birth and his death". Mankind measures date and time based on birth and death (and the events which move between those dates) and the birth and death of a "savior".

Since Jesus the Christ is renowned world-wide among most civilizations as a Celestial MARKER of mankind's destiny, his birth date is the "zero-point" where we commonly divide the B.C.E (Before Common/Christ Era) and the A.D. (Common Era, Anno Domini, In The Year of The Lord). The issue is that we have been counting the BIRTH date from Jesus as a man and not counting The "CHRIST" as The Zero-Point. Jesus the man, was born at an unknown date, what we do know is that when he was around 29 years old, he was anointed with the prophesied Spirit and designated as the rightful Celestial Ruler of the Earth and possibly beyond. He became "ALL-THINGS" anointed AS The embodiment of God's Presence (temple and seat of Government within the Physical and spiritual Dimensions). [Mathew 3:16-17, Acts 10:38]

In the prophecy it says that 483 (69 "WEEKS" 7 X 69 IN YEARS) years will pass until the King is anointed from the time the temple was Decreed (RESTORED IN OPERATION) 512 B.C.E. (COMPLETED BY Zerubbabel AND Jeshua LEADING THE JEWS).

512 B.C.E. + 483 YEARS = 29 B.C.E (ZERO-POINT) The B.C.E. is not relevant once you reach the zero-point, because the prophecy is counting 483 years from the operation of the Temple to The Messiah's arrival, Then from The Operation of around 512 to His 2nd arrival... (2008, which we will discuss further) The only way this prophecy makes sense with reality is if we can Have verifiable EVIDENCE BY ATLEAST "2" EYE WITENESSES ACCORDING TO THE LAW OF MOSES. [Deuteronomy 19:15, Hebrews 10:28, and Deuteronomy 17:6]

The Prophecy of Daniel chapter 4 goes on to say that "7 times will pass over as appointed times". Again, other religions account this time to begin with the year 607 B.C.E when The last king of Judah (Zedekiah) ruled the Hebrews, but that is incorrect. The tree in the vision of Nebuchadnezzar of Daniel chapter 4 does not represent God's Kingdom as many have interpreted (namely the Watchtower Society of Jehovah's Witnesses and Many early 1900 biblical schools), because the scroll clearly associates it (The Lofty Tree cut down) to The then King of Babylon's rulership and kingdom. The "7 times (2520 years)" which is associated with Revelation chapter 11 and Daniel chapter 12 as 360 (a time) days which also equal years (7 x (360) = 2520) From around 512 BCE + 2,520 years = 2008, would be a marker for when The Creator would set up something like how He moved the exiles led by Zerubbabel and Jeshua. The date of around "29" (The Messiah) or the Beginning of "Time" is the zero-point of time itself. Something would have to be evidential as PROOF that JESUS OR THE MESSIAH was real and THE celestial Power that had returned to rule as the designated and Prophesied King and ruler of The Earth's Powers (all governments). IF the year "29" is the "Zero-Point" of time as we know it, because the Celestial Ruler had arrived, then the dates prior and after "29" can only be counted from The Zero-Point of that "29". Jesus was anointed around 29 years old, but we do not know his exact birthdate, and it doesn't matter, because we know that he was anointed at the 29 Marker. Which is the beginning of "Time"... in a celestial context.

According to The Transfiguration account when Jesus is seen with Moses and Elijah (Mathew chapter 17) who typify the 2 anointed ones in Zechariah chapter 4 and in Revelation chapter 11, this SIGNALS just like the DECREE OF THE temple's operation in 512 B.C.E that The Celestial Government would BEGIN. These "Two EYEWITNESSES" that "stand next to The Lord of The Earth" (Zechariah 4:14), would have to have arrived on-time at His (Messiah's) arrival. They would also have to be "anointed" as co-rulers in a celestial government that was unveiling itself within The Earth. This is also why Peter one of the 3 disciples wondered if he should already set up the capitol of The Celestial Government when he saw Moses and Elijah appear with Jesus during the Transfiguration. What the 3 disciples (James, Peter, and John) beheld was only a glimpse of the reality to come.

If "29" is the zero-point of time because The Celestial ruler is The Marker of Earthly Time, then the prophesy should equal square to His arrival to Return to Earth after he had been killed by The Roman Empire and then raised up. From THE YEAR 2008, WHEN 2 EYE-WITNESSES, beheld the Celestial Power arrive, there would be 2520 years (7 TIMES) prior to the FIRST DECREE to BEGIN THE Capitol's Operation according to the prophecy... 

That date is about 512 B.C.E. From "29" Zero-Point to 2008 A.D. is 2008 years...   483 years - 0 point- total 2,520 years The ARRIVAL...

From 512 B.C.E plus 483 years (The Prophecy of DECREE) is "29" not 29 BCE, but the Zero-Point. Example: 00000000000000 512 B.C.E. 00000000 - "29" - 0000000000 2008 A.D.

Each year Jesus lived as a man before "29" is not "true Time" Because according to prophecy, Time does not Begin until He arrives as The "Anointed One". Why do I say this again? Because if The Celestial power is immortal and The "Source" of Life itself and of existence, then the Prophecy is not just describing when a man becomes a "god", it is describing when All mankind is Born and Dies. It describes TIME itself. We measure time because we live and die, if we were immortal, time would be irrelevant. That's why His Kingdom is the ONLY measure of so-called time because it determines what is immortal or timeless and what is only temporal (temporary/time). [Since "immortality" is the absence of time which has no space-time boundaries, it has always existed and is itself The very Source of existence, it isn't confined by any future or past. The Celestial Kingdom is The epicenter or Source of Reality and all Universes, which is why Jesus would often say things like, "today You will be with me in Paradise/Heaven", though he appeared in temporal time he was actually speaking from immortal awareness. Gospel of Thomas verse 1:1, Luke 23:42-43 ]

Every year and date Before "29" and After "29" the year He was anointed, is only real because He Came to Be. If this is too difficult to conceive, just imagine that Jesus was "The Big Bang" when He was anointed, which made time stretch into what we call the past and the future, which are both only relative to His Anointing as The Celestial King. The reason this is so dynamic is because the Real Prophecy can only make sense in reality if there is proof, if there is evidence. Jesus had to actually rise from the dead, he had to actually appear in broad day light to many in the ancient Roman providence and in recent time to "The 2 Witnesses" designated, and they too would have to have become some of the occupants of that celestial atmosphere. [1 John 3:2] The further proof would have to be the Fall of the human empires destined to crumble and lose their powers as described in Daniel chapter 2, at The Celestial Kingdom's arrival.

The Two in Zechariah (Zerubbabel and Jeshua) who were commissioned to lead the rebuilding work were delayed with others about 17 years, and there is room for these dates of around 521 or 520 BCE to 515 or 512 BCE from the DECREE to its actual OPERATION as The Capitol which represented the prophecy of The New Celestial Government (Daniel chapter 2 and Revelation chapters 11-12). If you are a human or "other world" government(s), agent(s), and official(s) reading this, this isn't from the ideas or imaginations of mankind, these are the facts concerning The Celestial Power that The Creator Source has DECREED to Take Governance over mankind's destiny. We have "no bark in this fight" as messengers, but you do well to HEED these messages. Act accordingly, it may seem unbelievable and science fiction, but The Celestial Forces are real, and they are Here. We cannot emphatically say what The Celestial Power will and will not do with each of you as a collective or individually. We do not know how your administration will be arranged to its Power but the best option in our opinion is to Heed and Obey its mandates and guiding.

Copyright by pen-man "Crow No-Face" 2025